
Hey everyone, how is quarantine treating you so far?

Did you pick up any new hobby?

I picked up cooking, and spending more of my time reading and writing, as much as I can. Many of you know that I am a sucker for Classic English Literature, Charles Bukowski, Ernest Hemingway, Oscar Wilde, and many more.

And that’s why I created a new account on Tumblr- We Dark Academia and it would mean a lot if you can pay a visit.

I made this account for those who are avid readers of classics and literature, who love dark coffee and turtle necks, who like libraries over cafes. I am one of them too.

Although the concept of Dark Academia is fairly new to me, I already feel connected to this concept with my whole soul.

Dark Academia is an aesthetic that revolves around classic literature, the pursuit of individuality, and a general passion for knowledge and learning. Common themes within this aesthetic are books, poetry, friendship, prep/private schools, classical music, coming of age, existentialism, social class, and romance. Writing poetry in notebooks, reading the classics, going to local coffee shops, bookstores, libraries, and museums also fuel this aesthetic.

Don’t forget to check my new account people, here is the link- Tumblr- We Dark Academia

7 thoughts on “Announcement

  1. Woah! I got attracted to this, seems really impressive 🙂 I don’t have Tumblr. I tried once but couldn’t work out how it worked. But I opened yours and it’s amazing! Good luck with it. I love libraries over cafés too🌸❤️

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