Mystery Blogger Award

Today I am incredibly humbled and excited to share that for the first time I was nominated as the recipient of the “Mystery Blogger Award” by my dear friend and recently became collaborator partner –   Ushnish the Crown. Thank you again, and m so sorry that I forgot about it.  :-p


If you guys are not familiar with  Ushnish‘s blog, I suggest that you visit it right now. Seriously. I’ll wait. his musings, , art, creativity, intelligence, and deep insight are unparalleled. Also, if you ask him any question he will give fun answers, trust me I know. Here is the link to his blog-

As for the rules of the award

  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog.

  2. List the rules.

  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

  4. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.

  5. Answer the questions you were asked.

  6. Nominate 10 – 20 people & notify.

  7. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question.

Now, the glorious 3 things about myself-

  • I have my driver’s license but I don’t drive anymore. After a accident I left driving. So unless it’s something dire in need, I don’t drive my bike.

  • I’m terrified of clowns; can’t look at them on the TV, in pictures or in real life.

  • I have over 70 pairs of shoes, but I only wear 3 pairs of them regularly- one for jogging, 2nd for party and 3rd for comfort.

Now let’s answer Ushnish’s questions


  1. What is your biggest source of inspiration?

Writers find inspiration in a lot of different places. If I relied on inspiration alone, I’d spent most of my time waiting around, staring out of the window and not writing. So I understand the story beneath the story, the meaning beyond the here and now.  And I get my idea.

2) Would you consider Blogging a primary job?

Yes absolutely, I would love it. Who wouldn’t love to be free from 9 – 5 type jobs and work when your mind likes it.

3) What are your hobbies other than blogging?

Listening to my Spotify playlist like an music addict, reading novels and most importantly disturbing my friends- not in a ‘I will kill you way’ but rather in a teasing way until they get fed up. Lol ….

4) What are your greatest achievement and greatest regret to date?

I think my greatest achievement is my baby blog, it really means a lot to me how far I came. And how far I will go to achieve it, always improving myself to be better than yesterday.

A very close person to me, taught me- never regret anything as what happened in the past, you cant change it in the present. So why think about it?

5)  Do you like bats? (weird question)

Yes it’s a weird question indeed, but the answer is no. I do not like bats, but I love vampires, if you know about Klaus Mikaelson then I don’t need to say anymore.

My questions for you –

  • What is your first reaction to an obstacle or challenge?

  • What is your passion?

  • What simple moment fills you with joy?

  • What do you see when you look out at the ocean?

  • Funny question: sticky notes or post-its?

Answer it guys, and when you do tag me. I wanna read your answers . I am very sorry to rest of my readers as I could not fit in your names due to the rules. I will nominate the rest of you amazing bloggers in my next award post. Don’t worry I already have in mind whom I wanna nominate.

These are questions for every one of you. Please comment your answers, answers I will be eagerly waiting for. So thanks again. Keep up the support as you guys did this long. Cheers .  







Short stories and poems




Phony Nonie






The Insides

Nathprasad Dhanawat



Ukpai Winnie

93 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award

  1. 70 pairs?! #shoppinggoals! A Vampire Diaries fan? I’m coming across so many these days…As always, your answers were pretty fun to read! Have a great day, Pia!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yeah I know that feeling, but I don’t think I have 70 pairs. Haha. I do use more than 3 pairs though ’cause sometimes I like matching the color on my clothes. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I love the 70 pairs of shoes answer 😂😂 that sounds like me lol and that message about regret is powerful , I needed to read something like that this morning ❤ So thank you , and thanks for the nomination 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 70 pairs of shoes? 🙄🙄🙄 You must be having a room full of shoe racks 😂😂 You are terrified of clowns, ushnish loves bats, weird blogging friends I have 😂😂😂
    And yes, thankyou so much for tagging me ❤❤❤ Means a lot. I’ll answer your questions soon, just give me some time 🙈🙈🙈

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Hahaa..Happens 😛 That’s the case of clothes with me. I’ve so many outfits that I can wear at home, but I prefer wearing my tw sets of nightsuits 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I do it now. hehe. And I don’t get caught. My is also the first bench. Tiffin toh first period mein khatam ho jayega. Sometimes I take a second tiffin too full of dry snacks or fruits…haha

        Liked by 1 person

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